Morgan O'Hara
Cosmopolitan Pencil どこでもエンピツ
2014.1.7 Tue.-1.26 Sun
11:00-18:00 土日のみオープン 平日は予約制
モーガン・オハラは鉛筆を手に世界を駆けまわるアーティスト。LIVE TRANSMISSIONと称するパフォー
かれた力強い線の束からあらゆるものの生命力が伝わってきます。今回はOperation Tableがもと動物病
Morgan O’Hara is an artist who travels the world with pencils in hand. Her outstanding works
called LIVE TRANSMISSION are performative drawings. Through drawing, she captures the
energy of anything that moves: human beings, animals, natural phenomena, as well as a
great variety of social activity, transmitting movement to pencil drawings through the action
of both hands. Sometimes the lines are fine, airy and fluid and other times dense, dark and
dynamic. Drawn with many pencils ranging from 2B to 20B, these drawings extend the
potential of everything which is living. In this exhibition, she focuses on the fact that Operation
Table was formerly a veterinary hospital, showing her LIVE TRANSMISSION drawings of
animals and as well as new work she has created during her stay in Kitakyushu.
@Operation Table
2014.1.7 Tue. 18:00〜
参加費 1,000円
18:00- 参加者は懐中電灯をもってOperation Tableに集合、路地を散歩しながら近くにある秘密基地を
訪れます。これがモーガンのパフォーマンスの始まり。そして19:00までにOperation Tableに戻り、
田はOperation Tabel2012年の企画展「とらんしっとー世界通り抜け」にも参加したアーティスト。両人
1975年 TIME STUDIESのシリーズに着手。
1978年 PORTRAITS FOR THE 21th CENTURYのシリーズを開始。
1989 年 パフォーマンスのドローイングによるLIVE TRANSMISSIONを始める。数々の国際的なパフォー
2003年 国際芸術センター青森アーティスト・イン・レジデンス・プログラムに参加。
Morgan O'Hara was born in Los Angeles, grew up in Japan, earned a Master's Degree in Art
from California State University at Los Angeles, had her first solo exhibition in the Mus?e
Cantonal des Beaux Arts in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1978. She began working internationally
in performance art festivals in 1989, did her first site specific wall drawings at De Fabriek in
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, and began the practice of the Japanese martial art, aikido, in
the same year.
Teaches master classes in drawing and the psychology of creativity in art academies in the US,
Europe and Asia. O'Hara has done many international residencies including two sessions at
the MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire.
She is recipient of grants from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, the Gottleib Foundation,
the Leon Levy Foundation, David and Rosamond Putnam Travel Fund and the Milton and
Sally Avery Foundation. Her work is in the permanent collections of many institutions,
including: Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Arkansas; Czech National Gallery, Prague;
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, California; Hood Museum of Art - Dartmouth College,
New Hampshire; Janacek Museum, Brno, Czech Republic; Macau Art Museum, Macau,
China; Moravian Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic; National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.;
Olomouc Museum of Art, Czech Republic; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Vrie Universiteit
OZW, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Wannieck Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic; Weatherspoon
Gallery, Greensboro, North Carolina. Her permanent site specific wall drawings can be found
in the Macau Art Museum, Macau, China; The Canadian Academy Kobe, Japan, and the Free
University OZW Building, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Lived in Italy for 21 years. O'Hara
became a member of the Elizabeth Foundation in 2010. Languages: fluent English, French,
Italian; passable Japanese, German.
モーガン・オハラ |
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